Author Archives: Gary Carr
Looks like an X-Nav case
Consult today. Prior attempted treatment by an endodontist last week. gbc
15 yr recall why we became a believer in MIE…cases like this……
Retreatment recall today. Ugh…. Asymptomatic and functional….but for how long? gbc
On the subject of fungal infections
Older TDO’ers may remember this case that Rick sent me in 2012 from a surgery he did.. There was some bacterial morphotypes seen along the canal wall, but not very much. But on the outer root surface there was a lot of inflammation and a fungal stain suggests why…. gbc
Khademi’s root tip processing from an apico on lateral insisor
I took John’s root tip he sent me and processed it as follows: 1. Decalcified the root in EDTA for 1 week then some Decal overnight (Formic aa) 2. Mounted in parrafin for standad H&E staining. 3. Sectioned the tooth axially every 100 microns until exhaustion. 4. Every 100 microns an H&E stain was done, […]
GW test
A bench test to see the GW effect on a case with a fractured instrument. Fuller discussion on TDO-Clinical.
Single visit mindset
Patient in for a sinus tract check recall today asking questions…… All treatment done by endodontists. Always done in a single visit. The 2nd endodontist told the patient she was “cured”. He never checked her again. When she called and said she may have a problem… they told her it wasn’t necessary. Her GP told […]
Test of Decision Making
I did this RCT 34 years ago when the patient was 14. Now there is a parulis and lingual palpation sensitivity. Extract or treat? Patient has a very high smile line, thin biotype, is sensitive to costs. gbc