
TDO University

An Online Endodontic Learning Platform

TDO University allows you to create your own user discussion community without undergoing the high expense of programming the interface. Use it for your own endodontic study club members, referral doctors, groups of friends, or personal use.
For Non-TDO'ers
It provides a window into a world that enables you to view a small sample of the content, opinions, discussions, and cases that TDO'ers share daily on their private forum, TDO-Clinical . 
It was designed to expose the general endodontic community to the level of case work and discussions that have occurred on TDO-Clinical for over 20 years in the hope of exposing the wider endodontic community to an endodontic educational resource previously only available to users of TDO software.
For TDO'ers
Within the Image Organizer now, you have the ability, when you post to TDO-Clinical, to also post simultaneously to TDO University, if you deem the case instructive for the wider endodontic community or choose to share it with colleagues who are not part of the TDO community.

Another 17 yr recall today

By Gary Carr | 1

No symptoms. Who thinks this patient needs treatment? gbc

Root Gnar II

By Gary Carr | 0

Examining the biofilm near the AgPt. gbc

Root Gnar

By Gary Carr | 0

With samples like this, it is possible to observe what […]

fracture case” CBCT of “good root”

By Gary Carr | 0

Fractured root case

By Gary Carr | 0

OK biofilm mavens…….I am ready to photograph the “Riccucci-style” processing […]

Root Gnar

By Gary Carr | 0

Thoughts on observing Biofilms Part 4

By Gary Carr | 0

This should illustrate better

Thoughts on Observing Biofilms Part 3

By Gary Carr | 0

If we look at the cut section along the edge […]

Thoughts on Observing Biofilms Part 3

By Gary Carr | 0

This is one of the axial sections viewed from a […]

Thoughts on Observing Biofilms Part 2

By Gary Carr | 0

It is helpful to recall Dr. Costerton’s diagramatic pics of […]