
TDO University

An Online Endodontic Learning Platform

TDO University allows you to create your own user discussion community without undergoing the high expense of programming the interface. Use it for your own endodontic study club members, referral doctors, groups of friends, or personal use.
For Non-TDO'ers
It provides a window into a world that enables you to view a small sample of the content, opinions, discussions, and cases that TDO'ers share daily on their private forum, TDO-Clinical . 
It was designed to expose the general endodontic community to the level of case work and discussions that have occurred on TDO-Clinical for over 20 years in the hope of exposing the wider endodontic community to an endodontic educational resource previously only available to users of TDO software.
For TDO'ers
Within the Image Organizer now, you have the ability, when you post to TDO-Clinical, to also post simultaneously to TDO University, if you deem the case instructive for the wider endodontic community or choose to share it with colleagues who are not part of the TDO community.

One of my earliest VTaper cases

By Nishan Odabashian | 5

This patient was referred to me by the Prosthodontist next […]

File Removal Favor

By Nishan Odabashian | 3

This patient was seen by a dentist friend of mine. […]

Routine Maxillary First Molar–Initial Treatment

By Nishan Odabashian | 4

Patient in pain to hot/cold after the amalgams were taken […]


By Gary Carr | 3

Morning consult. Never any symptoms. I’m thinking maybe X-Nav on […]

Dual entry of the day

By Kehn Yapp | 1

I do not do these often because they are not […]

ver 12 functionality

By Gary Carr | 3

Ver 12 has much greater functionality to move, copy, recatogorize […]

Sat emergency

By Gary Carr | 0

Poor Joy…..having to come in on her birthday… Patient here […]

Removing a separated instrument with a SP2 ultrasonic tip

By Excellence in Endodontics | 2

17 yr recall

By Gary Carr | 0

I did this endo 17 years ago. Nothing lasts forever […]

13 yr recall

By Gary Carr | 0